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The beginning of the year often inspires many to adopt a healthier lifestyle free from alcohol.
But Generation Z believes Dry January has become outdated, with 20 per cent already giving up drinking for good.
Young adults think people should move on from the fad because many have already adopted a flexible relationship with booze which sees them stay sober for longer.
A fifth of 18 to 24-year-olds are teetotal, which is 12 per cent higher than the national average, according to a study conducted by pub and brewer Greene King.
Around 22 per cent of British adults are taking part in Dry January this year but those in Gen-Z do not understand the point in quitting for just one month.
The Greene King survey also found that Norwich is the most sober city in the UK with 26 per cent of residents not drinking.
It is followed by Portsmouth where a fifth of locals have given up alcohol while 17 per cent of people in Southampton are tee-total and 14 per cent of those in Liverpool are alcohol-free.
Around 12 per cent of people in Leicester, Wolverhampton, Cambridge and Birmingham are also sober.
The beginning of the year often inspires many to adopt a healthier lifestyle free from alcohol. But Generation Z believes Dry January has become outdated, with 20 per cent already giving up drinking for good (stock image)
Young adults think people should move on from the fad because many have already adopted a flexible relationship with booze which sees them stay sober for longer (stock image)
While 11 per cent of residents in both Brighton and Leeds do not drink alcohol.
A third of people believe there are more options for sober people on a night out than there were five years ago and one in four said they feel less pressured to drink.
More than 80 per cent think their friends and family would be supportive if they decided not to have any alcohol.
Andrew Gallagher, brand and marketing director at Greene King, said: ‘There’s no doubt that the UK drinking culture has seen a notable change in recent years.
‘Pubs are more than just a great place to enjoy a drink and perfect for socialising with family and friends all year round, whether you’re drinking or not.’
GreeneKing has partnered with CleanCo, an alcohol-free spirit brand owned by Spencer Matthews, to launch a new range of alcohol free cocktails for those choosing not to drink. The brand is giving away 10,000 of the cocktails at participating Greene King pubs through January.